Our rivers play an essential role in building resilience for nature’s recovery and the climate crisis. They need our help now, more than ever. Join us to save our rivers and help communities to thrive.

What The River Trust Does

The Rivers Trust bring together the people, knowledge , data and intelligence to empower communities to take action and be part of the solution; ensuring rivers thrive. Our rivers are an integral part of our communities and The Rivers Trust is leading the movement to protect them. Protecting them from the impacts of pollution from water companies and agriculture as well as the devasting global consequences of climate change.

What The Aire Rivers Trust Does

As a River Trust, the Aire River Trust works to improve our river for people, places and nature. They engage with stakeholders such as the Environment Agency and Yorkshire Water to improve our river. Their work focuses on improving fish passage, river clean ups, removing invasive plant species and improving water quality. They deliver environmental education in schools and riverside fun for local people.

Why am I supporting Aire Rivers Trust and The Rivers Trust

I want to support the Aire Rivers Trust and Rivers Trust because as a rower, I am very closely connected to the river Aire and have spent countless hours rowing on it. Rowing for me is very therapeutic and is something I have come to enjoy doing. However, this experience is ruined when Yorkshire Water spill sewage directly into the Aire and it is not uncommon for plastic bottles and footballs to be floating down it as well. The water quality has gotten so bad that we as a club cannot do capsize drills in our river anymore due to the pollution levels.

Furthermore, it is not just water companies polluting our river, farmers are also having an impact. They cause excess nutrients to be added to the river and combine this with the hotter summers, you get algae blooms. Not only does this affect the ecosystem of the river, but it can also make it impossible to row on. This cancelled the 2023 Boston rowing marathon (49.2km), an event I was looking forward to doing. These events are vital in supporting the local clubs and communities and businesses where these races are held. To some people, these clubs are important in supporting their physical health and mental wellbeing. The dire state of our rivers cuts us off from enjoying our blue spaces and it feels like being back in lockdown.

However, the biggest cause of race cancellations is due to dangerously high river levels brought upon by excess flooding and rain. This is a consequence of climate change bringing about wetter winters and more storms and results in the number of water sessions becoming fewer each year. Especially for those of us who can only get down during the weekends in winter and especially for novice rowers who will not be able to go out in the more challenging conditions and may turned away from rowing.
